Wednesday 13 June 2012

The Typewriter Collection No. 11- Olympia Splendid 99, circa 1965 (?) EDIT- 17/6/12: Could be a 1960. (Thanks, Rob B!)

EDIT: Actually, I don't have an Olympia SM4. I have a SM2 and a SM3. What was I thinking?

The paint-work is still intact on the ribbon vibrator coverplate. The platen is in wonderful condition. I can't help but wonder if this was used much over the years. You can see the scars on the coverplate where the typebars have struck it, suggesting that this machine has had some usage, but overall, it's in pretty good shape.

I haven't figured out the colour of this thing yet. Very dark blue in some lighting, very dark grey in others.

The platen knobs are intact without any hairline cracks or chips. Man, I still can't figure out the colour of this thing!
Of course, my crappy photos aren't helping.

Another typewriter with a low Groma Kolibriesque profile. Very flat, very light. This machine has satisfied my urge for something like a Hermes Baby Rocket or Empire Aristocrat.
Looking at this typewriter now, it almost seems like Olympia took the SM2 design and starved it down to 'heroin-chic supermodel' proportions. Much like the way that a Porsche 911 has always looked to me like a Volkwagen Beetle that went on an extreme weight-loss program.

The typeslugs are pretty clean, but could probably do with a light brush-off. Lower-case 'e', I'm looking at you.

The margin adjustments are very similar to those on my Groma Kolibri. It's a pretty efficient system.


  1. My guess would be the 95 is a prefix and that the S/N is 323978, which would make it 1960 according to tw-db. Just a guess though. I got an old-ish one of these in white. No "Splendide" badge, But is is an SF (Schreibmachine Flach = Flat)by any other name. Georg at can shed some light if you ask him - he's a bit of an aficionado. Could be it doesn't even need a service - just some use. The platen and the condition of the typeslugs would suggest you could wait another 10 years or so before it needs one. Lube tends to dry a bit and things might free up after a few pages. In action, it is easy to see why Olympia got to be the biggest typewriter company in Europe. I can't imagine a better writing machine for the size. There are plenty around in the UK on eBay too. ...and now I want a black one too, see what you did?

    1. Hey Rob! Thanks for narrowing it down (even if it is just a guess). I'll pester Georg with a question or two and see what I can find out. It is a nice typewriter to use. Very light-weight and compact. Perfect for taking out of the house and out to the front porch on a Summer's day.

  2. I have an identical one of these - down to the black color - but mine is labeled a 66. It has often been asked on the forums what the difference is between those - 33, 66, 99 - but it's never bothered me enough to delve too deeply into the matter. They are very nice machines, although I find Olympia portables to be a bit tightly-wound for my liking.

  3. I have a similar machine, just marked "Olympia," which I consider a very good little typewriter.

    1. Thanks for the link, Richard! Your much better photo shows the true colour of this machine. Mine is the same shade of black, despite what my pictures might show.

  4. That's a nice looking typewriter there.
    You don't like cursive font? Why is that? I've been searching for an SM4 with cursive, one which wouldn't break the bank, but they're all beyond my current budget. Maybe later.

    1. I strongly associate cursive with actual handwriting. If I saw cursive lettering appear on a typewritten page, my head would probably explode. Also, nothing screams "typewritten document" faster than Courier. Reading the Bond novels in my formative teenage years, I always imagined Miss Moneypenny typing up reports of Bond's exploits for M and these reports would have been page after page of Courier fonted goodness.

  5. Hi, I am eyeing the same exact model on ebay, and was wondering where would I get the ribbons if I decide to get it? I live in Melbourne. Would any ribbon from other brands do? Your reply is much appreciated, thanks! Jade

    1. Any standard ribbon will work. Try The Sticky Institute, located under the tracks at Flinders St station. In the Degraves St underpass. They have a website. Otherwise, ribbons can be found on eBay. Best of luck, and let us know how you go. If you get the Olympia and it needs some work, I know a guy who can service it for you. Cheers.

  6. Thanks so much for your reply! My mom dug up an old typewriter, a Royal 203. Cant wait to get new ribbons and get it going! Jade
