Thursday 26 November 2015

Friday 27/11/2015 - The Volunteering Begins, SPECTRE Viewings, Tendonitis Strikes & This Week's Wristwatches.

EDIT: I'm gonna pull a leaf out of Joe Van Cleave's book here and add some extra to this post. Makes a lot of sense if you typecast something on one day and feel the need to add something more. I wrote the page above on Wednesday. Thought I'd just add a few more pictures. 

Another shot of the Planet Ocean, using the Grainy Film setting;

I switched over the the Omega Seamaster 300 on Wednesday evening;

Hit the gym next day and noticed I had inadvertently matched my watch strap to my socks;

And here's the finished bookshelf, that ended up going into my son's room. Two coats of varnish and it was good to go. Currently working on another one for my daughter. Then I can get started on the shelves for the study. 
I have to say the router took a little learning to get the hang of, but I didn't make too much of a mess of it. The shelves slotted in smoothly enough once I'd assembled the outer frame and reinforced the corners. 
Once I'd put it into place in his room, I found that it didn't rock from side to side. Seems sturdy enough once he'd loaded some of his books into it. I added the vertical panels for the sake of added strength and to make it a little more visually interesting. 
Worst-case scenario, if it begins to tilt to one side, I'll add a backing board to reinforce it a little further. However, so far, so good. 
Hopefully, it'll last a while. 

And that's another week done. Thanks for reading!

Thursday 5 November 2015

Friday 6/11/2015 - Lost In Translation, One Bookshelf Done & This Week's Wristwatches.

POSTSCRIPT; the correct grammar is "an historic", not "a historic". I meant to correct that with a pen before I scanned it.

And here's the bookshelf. Once I get a backboard on it, plus a couple of coats of varnish, it should look half decent. I just hope it holds up for the next decade or two;

Have a good weekend!