The Fujifilm X-100 is a beautiful looking camera. I Leica it a lot;

picture courtesy of
...and I would have gone for it, but I wanted a little more versatility where lenses were concerned. Still, it would make a wonderful back-up or spare camera. Maybe one day.
The Fujifilm X-10;

picture courtesy of
...was another contender, but the reported "white orb" issues scared me off. Although, there are rumours of a new version which should address this problem. Still, a nice camera.
This Nikon P7700 was another possibility, but I found the design looking a little more like modern cameras. Nice camera, though.

picture courtesy of
In the end, after much reading up, I settled on the Olympus E-PL5 (compact system camera).
I opted for the predominantly silver bodied version because my current stable of cameras is a little top-heavy with black. This model doesn't have a built-in flash, but instead comes bundled with a flash that can be slid onto the hot-shoe mount on top. This mount will also accept an electronic viewfinder. If I have one small regret about this camera, it is the lack of a viewfinder. Holding a camera up to your eye is the true way to take a photo, as far as I'm concerned.
And the design of this camera reminded me of the Trip 35 film camera from Olympus' past;
The Olympus OM-D EM-5 was another one I looked at, but the price was higher than I was looking to spend. But this camera absolutely screams '1970s OM Series'. This too was a Micro 4/3rds system camera.

picture courtesy of
But I suppose enough talk for now. Here are some pictures. Actually, here are a LOT of pictures.
The E-PL5 takes a nice standard photo of some punk tearing down my street on his trail-bike;
And here's a shot out of the window of the most poorly lit room in the house;
But it's when you start playing around with the Art Filters that you start getting interesting results. Here is the 'Dramatic' filter, picture taken on a sunny afternoon;
This setting can even make a pair of glasses look sinister;
The 'Diorama' setting is pretty nifty;
Makes my local train station look like a model. Wish there was a train arriving;
The usual 'black & white' and 'sepia' settings are there.
Grainy black and white;
And good old sepia;
'Soft focus' for pictures of the cat, doing what she does best;
'Key Line' produces a cartoonish effect;
However, I've found myself using the 'Dramatic' effect often;
It tends to bring out the detail in wristwatches;
This setting definitely shows a difference from a standard photo;
To one taken in 'Dramatic' setting;
A last shot of this Olympia SM2 typewriter. I haven't used it in so long that I forgot what a joy it is to write with.
I had it clamped to the bottom half of its case, sitting on my lap. It's no light-weight, I can tell you.
Thanks for reading, all!
### Special thanks to for their fantastic and in-depth product write-ups. Really minimised the stress of searching for a camera. Their reviews were detailed and clearly written and were of immense help during my hunt. Sterling work! ###